Why tablets will become future computing device for enterprises

Tablets were once thick clunky pen-based device but in 2010 Apple reinvented tablets to an advanced thin touchscreen device with the launch of iPad. People were quite skeptical about their success and doubted if they will fit between a smartphone and a laptop. However, surprisingly, it sold 4.2 million copies in its first full quarter.
Tablets are smaller, lighter and more portable than laptops and bigger and better performer than smartphones. Thus, they proved to be the moderate devices which people start loving. Tablet PC manufacturers in India and all around the world have worked to introduce tablets in all manners of profiles and on a variety of platforms. These tablets have found their way in all sectors of life be it education, personal computing or business. After the introduction of the tablet in 2010, around 194 million tablets were sold in 2013 and the number is expected to increase to over 1 billion in 2018. The reason for the growth of the Global Tablet Market is the advantages of tablets over laptops.
One of the other reasons for this growth was the growing demand for tablets in enterprises. Tablets such as iPad Pro, Surface Pro 4 and other tablets are becoming more prevalent in the enterprise. With this growth, it is often speculated that tablets will soon replace laptops at the workplace. However, tablets may not replace PCs at the workplace but they are expected to emerge as the preferred computing device in the near future. This is because tablets give laptops a run for their money on several fronts.
Size: To differentiate their products from their competitors, tablets manufacturers in India and other countries are introducing devices in varying sizes. Now you can find a tablet ranging from 7 inches to more than 10.1 inches. This wide variety of sizes in tablets gives business owners and employees an opportunity to choose one based on their needs.
Performance: The processors and graphics in tablets are virtually the same or better than laptops. In this case, employees and employers will definitely go for a portable and better-performing device. For example, the Microsoft Surface Pro 3 has the same processor as that of MacBook Air with a better display and a longer battery life.
Portability: Undoubtedly, tablets have taken over the laptops and PCs on portability. They are definitely lighter devices even with a 12.9 inches display that of iPad Pro.
Longer battery life: It is always a hassle to carry laptop chargers and other cables with you while handling a laptop. Even the best the of laptops have a battery life of not more than 4 hours but a tablet can last for up to 10 hours. A tablet with longer battery life is always a preferable device for people at the workplace so that they need not plug in their devices while working.
Accessories: Traditionally, it was hard to use tablets to give presentations in conference rooms and other business settings. However, tablet PC manufacturing in India and all around the world has taken one step up. Now, manufacturers have introduced tablet compatible dongles, Wi-Fi enabled projectors and streaming devices such as Apple TV to address that problem. Nowadays, there are Bluetooth keyboards for tablets which when connected make tablets work exactly like a laptop and sometimes even better than them.
There are different scenarios for using tablets in organizations:
  •    Employee’s own device: Employees, for their office work, are increasingly adopting tablets. Even the 7% of global information workers are willing to pay the entire cost of tablet to take to work while additional 17% are willing to pay a proportion of the price with their money.
  •        Tablets for specific business roles: IT and business professionals consider Tablet PCs in India and other countries very useful in specific roles such as executives, travelling sales people and other heavy travellers and field workers.
  •       Vertical scenarios: Company owned tablets fit this scenario very well. For example, due to hyper-portability, doctors and nurses use tablets in patient-related scenarios and treatment-related scenarios.

With the above information, it is quite clear that tablets will play a critical role at work. They will find their way to work through direct purchasing by organizations or through Bring your Own Device programmes for staff. Companies have started adopting BYOD policies supported by management tools. For this, companies codify a set of policies, published rules and processes so that workers will bring their own devices with minimal difficulty.
Its not only the enterprise, which takes note of different benefits of tablets but tablets are being adopted in various industries. For example, the health-care industry is adopting tablets for their portability and the easy accessibility of information. Tablets are convenient for healthcare professionals to explain the cause, diagnosis, and treatment of any disease to their patients. The bright and colorful screens help doctors to convey even the complicated information with the greatest ease. With various advanced features in tablets, doctors can now maintain health and medical records of patients easily instead of visiting them individually.
Another area where tablets are being widely used is the classroom education. Since the launch of tablets in 2010, they become a great source to facilitate learning and make classroom education better and more interesting for students. Even some of the countries are thinking to replace all textbooks with tablets in schools and go digital.
In colleges and universities also, tablets are quite useful as they are aligned with cloud-based solutions. This gives students an opportunity to work from anywhere on the campus and all the data will be saved in the main location. Any student can access that data from his/her tablet.
With this, one can assume that tablets are advantageous over laptops and with the rate of technological advancements; there is no telling how important tablets will become in future. However, one thing is clear today and i.e. more and more enterprises and industries are picking tablets as their new Go-To” devices.
