Why wholesale production and distribution of tablets is on rise

Since the launch of first tablet PC in 2011, tablet PC market in India has witnessed continuous growth. Over this period of time, tablet PCs have shown improved adoption in corporate as well as government segment. Now, it is not only an individual who buys the tablet for his entertainment but tablets have generated high demand in businesses these days. This has led to the increase in the wholesale production and distribution of tablets. In the third quarter of 2017, tablet PC market in India reported a 38% growth in comparison to the previous quarter. With the tablets getting upgraded 4G technologies and decreasing prices of 4G devices, there will be high demand for low-cost tablets in future.

So, what value do these tablets offer in business operations? Let us see what benefits these tablets offer in a business:

1. Business travel more convenient: With a lightweight and easy portability, tablets make a better companion than laptop during business travel. In planes and trains, where there is no elbow room to work on laptops, tablets are of a right size for reading and responding to emails and other messages. You will be instantly updated with all business activities and are able to participate in every business meetings through tablets.

2. Affordable: Even the latest tech upgraded tablets do not come with hefty price tags. They are cheaper than laptops and their maintenance and support cost much less than the laptops.

3. Good for meetings: When you are at business meetings, nothing can be better than a tablet. You can take notes very easily or record audio for important discussions. There is no need to pen down everything. Just go easy on tablets. Emails can also be handled with ease with tablets.

4. Better connectivity: If business employees are using tablets, connecting with them is very easy. Tablets come with great social networking applications that connect business contacts, clients, and employees through social media sites or cloud-based applications. For virtual meetings, tablets are very useful.

5. Save time: Studies have shown that using tablets instead of manual entry methods can save a lot of time for employees, which led to the increase in the overall productivity of the business. In a study, it was proved that time spent by employees in tracking inventory was reduced by thirty percent after use of tablets.

6. Less errors: A study shows that the tablet use in distribution warehouse has not only bagged more orders in a month but also reduced the errors in distribution. The picking effects were reduced by 20%.

7. No cash register: With tablets, you can ditch the cash register and accept debit and credit card payments. Also, it is not necessary that you always stay in office for any transactions. You can do it from anywhere with tablets.

How are different businesses making use of tablet PCs?

In restaurants and food industry, tablets are replacing traditional menu cards. The cost of making menus on paper is high and if new food varieties are added, one has to replace the whole menu card and go for the new one. On the other hand, digital menu helps the restaurants to manage it dynamically and enhance the guest experience. Now, people can browse the digital menu with high definition images of menu items.

Feedbacks in restaurants are important for customer delight.  With “tap and swipe methodology on Android tablets, customers can get feedback in real time that excites them to act upon.

Other than restaurant industry, another industry that has boosted the wholesale android tablets manufacturing is the education. Definitely, tablets are easy to master and easier to learn on.  When Akhilesh Yadav became the chief minister of UP, he announced free tablet computer for every student who has passed class X. Tablets are becoming a rage in education. They pack the entire school curriculum within it and students can access it from the cloud remote services. Looking at this, days are not far when school bags will become obsolete. Tablets are also used in training teachers and other educational services.

Apart from the general tablets, the use of industrial tablets is on rise in the manufacturing sector. These tablets offer rugged design, hot-swappable batteries, integrated RFID, serial ports, advanced security, compatibility with product applications, barcode reader, etc. and thus are perfect for the manufacturing sector.

The tablets are making their impact throughout society, from classrooms to boardrooms. If a business fails to understand how the tablets are revolutionizing the business world, they will have little chance to gain footing in future. With all these benefits of tablets for different businesses, every small, medium or large business seeks to adopt tablet use to make their business viable in growing digital world.
